Castle Rabenstein (Burg Rabenstein) description and photos - Austria: Styria

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Castle Rabenstein (Burg Rabenstein) description and photos - Austria: Styria
Castle Rabenstein (Burg Rabenstein) description and photos - Austria: Styria

Video: Castle Rabenstein (Burg Rabenstein) description and photos - Austria: Styria

Video: Castle Rabenstein (Burg Rabenstein) description and photos - Austria: Styria
Video: Ruine Rabenstein / Raxkircherl / Irblingkreuz | Exploration 1 2024, June
Rabenstein castle
Rabenstein castle

Description of the attraction

Located south of Fronleiten on a cliff on the river Mur, Rabenstein Castle is probably one of the highest mountain fortresses in Styria. This fortification was originally called Rammenstein after the name of the first owners. The castle that we see now was built in the XIV century. In 1497, Emperor Maximilian I presented Rabenstein Castle to the Harrachov family. By this time, the fortress was a sad and depressing sight. It was restored for several decades. In 1543, Linhard von Harrach sold the already powerful, majestic fortress to Philip von Brener. Subsequently, the castle was disposed of by the gentlemen of Windischgretz. Each of the new owners reconstructed the castle, expanding and improving it.

It seems that the most famous noble families of Austria at one time were the owners of the Rabenstein castle in Styria. Wallenstein, Trauttmannsdorff, Dietrichstein sold and acquired this fortress, and at the same time invested money in its maintenance and repair. Under the Lords Trauttmansdorffs, the castle was rebuilt in the Baroque style in the 17th century. The reconstruction was supervised by the famous architect Johann Bernard Fischer von Erlach.

It seemed that unknown forces were helping the castle withstand and avoid decay. It was on the verge of destruction in the first half of the 19th century, but was restored by Ludwig von Montoyer, who invested a colossal amount of money in its reconstruction.

After the Second World War, Rabenstein Castle was turned into a guest house. Since 1981, various cultural events, theater and concert performances, and wedding ceremonies have been held here.

