Description of the attraction
In the village of Bogdanovsky, Ustyansky District, Arkhangelsk Region, 100 meters from the road, near a stream, there is an amazing stone. The stone resembles a bar 1, 5 long and about 1 meter high. The top and side faces of the stone are flat, and it seems that it is hewn by a human hand. At the same time, the side faces of the stone are lowered to the lower base so that the top is 75 centimeters wide, and the bottom is about 1 meter. Its upper base is parallel to the ground. The stone is oriented in such a way that its end protruding from the ground is directed to the stream to the north. In the upper end zone one can see wedge-shaped notches, which are noticeably different from natural chips and depressions, which are caused by the influence of natural factors.
Nobody knows where this stone came from and how it came into being. All of its outlines indicate that it is some kind of ancient, mysterious monument of history. Most likely, the definition of its affiliation is associated with the history of the development of the Ustyansky Territory. Its analysis leads to the events of a thousand years ago, to the times when the Chudi Zavolochskaya lived in these parts (the Finno-Ugric population of Zavolochye, first mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years).
Examining the area, attention is focused on a niche in the ground near a stone. One gets the impression that here the earth began to sink into some kind of underground abyss. Maybe the stone marks the location of the dugout in which the Chuds are buried or self-buried. But the area around is teeming with stones. It is not easy to dig a dugout here and it is completely inappropriate. In ancient times, in the spring, the brook was more full-flowing and would simply flood it. Probably, this depression was formed due to the natural drift of stone by the earth from the other side.
Perhaps the stone is a remnant of the sanctuary of the Chudi population. Currently, more than one such sanctuary has been found in the town of Kokshenga. Tarnogsky local historian A. A. Ugryumov noted that the Chudi had special temples (supplications), which are the places of pagan sacrifices to Yomal, her main god. These supplications unfolded among the huge firs. Between them there was a huge stone and 2 smaller ones, various wooden and stone idols were exhibited. Images of God, signatures and various designations were carved on a large stone. For example, scientists discovered a prayer site with inscriptions in Koksheng, which they still cannot decipher.
In this cleared area, spruce trees grow, but 2 noticeable small stones are not visible. However, higher, at a distance of about 20 meters, there is a stone house made of stones placed from above. Maybe they are part of the stone-room, and the niche in the man-made stone is a recess from one of them. Chud temples were traditionally located on the heights. This is located, however, in the bottom of the stream, but on the slope of one of the two large eels, between which the stream runs.
For the last 100 years this stone has been called "Hot". In the summer, at night, young people came to him. The stone practically did not cool down until dawn. It was a meeting place for lovers, where they confessed their pure and bright intentions. Perhaps, to this day, the "Hot" stone is a Chudish god who has become a Christian shrine, if the church touches it, then it fulfills its holy mission - to sow peace and good among people.
Description added:
Svetlana. 13.06.2015
The stone is not local, along the river, which became a stream, it was transported from one Chud village (and nowadays Vezha) to another Chud village and back, but drowned … that is, the location of the stone does not matter, its traces should not be looked for here … (from stories of local residents) Many re
Show all text The stone is not local, along the river that became a stream, it was transported from one Chud village (and nowadays Vezha) to another Chud village and back, but drowned … that is, the location of the stone does not matter, its traces should be look not here.(from the stories of local residents) Many rivers have become shallow over the past century, for example, ships sailed along the Ustye. The Minya and Edma rivers were deep-water (“in childhood we swam here, but now we can step over,” the elderly complain.) Grandmothers with “education in grade 4,” that is, they did not read history textbooks, but know their land, spoke about the “creeps”. as it is. So it can be assumed that the chud did not disappear anywhere, but became Russified, and not 1000 years ago, but several centuries ago.
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