Old Town Hall (Staromestska radnice) description and photos - Czech Republic: Prague

Old Town Hall (Staromestska radnice) description and photos - Czech Republic: Prague
Old Town Hall (Staromestska radnice) description and photos - Czech Republic: Prague
Old town hall
Old town hall

Description of the attraction

The Old Town Square has been the heart of the city since ancient times. The mention of a large market in this place has been around since the 11th century. The dominant position on the square is occupied by a complex of buildings of the Old Town Hall with a majestic tower, a symbol of the power of the city and townspeople, and the Church of the Virgin Mary with two towers.

In 1338, the townspeople received the consent of King Jan of Luxembourg to request the creation of their own magistrate. They immediately bought the house for the town hall and began construction of the majestic tower. Soon after, a Gothic chapel also arose, which was consecrated in 1381. Gradually, the town hall expanded and occupied several neighboring houses.

The famous Old Town Hall Chimes, mounted in 1410 by Mikulas from Kadani, and improved in 1490 by the master Hanuš from Rouge with late Gothic ornamental decorations, are one of the main attractions of Prague. Every hour the moving apostles appear in the upper windows in front of the admiring spectators, and their parade ends with the ringing of a skeleton and the crowing of a rooster. The chimes are in two parts. The upper part shows the rotation of the Sun and the Moon and the time of day, the calendar board at the bottom shows the individual days and months of the year.

