Description of the attraction
One of the most interesting historical buildings in Brno, the Old Town Hall, is located on Radnická Street. It appeared in the distant XIII century on the site of an older Romanesque building. It was destroyed, and the foundation was decided to be used for subsequent buildings. In the 16th century, they decided to expand the town hall and added a turret to it, on the decoration of the facade of which the architect, who eventually became famous far beyond the borders of his native Bohemia, - Anton Pilgram, worked. It was he who decided to joke, creating the illusion of a tower falling on the heads of the townspeople. This architectural joke can be appreciated if you look at the town hall not from afar, but up close.
The city fathers sat in the town hall. It was the most recognizable building in Brno, so it is not surprising that many legends are associated with it. For example, any boy will tell you about the Brno dragon. Only when you find yourself in a small arch in front of the entrance to the town hall, you will understand what is at stake. In the 19th century, a stuffed crocodile appeared in Brno; it was presented by one of the foreign nobles. The mayor ordered that the scarecrow be placed in the town hall to everyone's surprise (it is still there, suspended by chains from the ceiling). The townspeople were amazed at the sight of an unfamiliar beast, they discussed it at every corner. So, by itself, the legend of the dragon appeared, which did not give the locals a passage, lived on the river and was not going to leave here. Then the townspeople threw a bag of lime at him. The dragon ate the treat and then washed it down with water. The extinguished lime soon just tore the monster to pieces, and the inhabitants stuffed its skin with straw and brought the scarecrow to the town hall, where it hangs.
There is an observation deck on the tower of the town hall.