Archaeological complex Perperikon description and photos - Bulgaria: Kardzhali

Archaeological complex Perperikon description and photos - Bulgaria: Kardzhali
Archaeological complex Perperikon description and photos - Bulgaria: Kardzhali
Archaeological complex Perperikon
Archaeological complex Perperikon

Description of the attraction

Perperikon is an archaeological complex of the medieval period, a rocky city located near the Eastern Rhodope, 20 km north-east of Kardzhali. It rises above sea level at an altitude of 470 meters. At its foot there is the village of Upper Fortress (Bulgarian Gorna-Krepost) and the Perpereshka River.

This oldest monumental megalithic monument, carved directly into the rocks, is perhaps the most majestic and mysterious of all the popular tourist destinations in Bulgaria.

The rocky peak was converted for habitation in the 5th millennium BC, at that time a special pantheon of gods was dominant in the cultural life of the settlers, among whom the Sun God was elevated to a cult. During the Stone-Copper Age, people created the first sanctuary, where they brought vessels with offerings for the gods. During the Bronze Age, religious rites continued, however, the development of metal tools opened up the possibility of carving whole rooms out of solid rock. It was after this that a giant oval hall was carved into the rock, and in the center of this hall there was a huge round altar for priestly rituals. According to the latest archaeological research, the temple of Dionysus was located on Perperikon.

The last millennium before the birth of Christ and the first couple of centuries after is a period of rapid development for rock temples, which grow into a full-fledged city with palaces, fortress walls and adjacent buildings. Presumably, it was there that there was a palace that belonged to the king of the Thracian tribe - besi. Later, the Romans taught Perperikon sophistication, and the tribes of the Goths in 378 plundered and burned the rocky city.

The next stage for the city was the adoption of Christianity in the Rhodopes, after which the rocky city became the seat of the bishop. In the VII-VIX centuries, Perperikon was the center of a prosperous region. Bulgarians and Byzantines repeatedly fought for the city. The end of the XIV century was marked by the arrival of the Turks, who captured the fortress and then destroyed it - from that moment on, the existence of Perperikon was gradually forgotten.

The former glory of Perperikon is resurrected again today by the efforts of archaeologists, culturologists and historians. Also, the city is of interest from a religious point of view. We can safely call Perperikon one of the wonders of the world. Various exhibits discovered during the excavations at Perperikon are kept in the city History Museum of Kardzhali.

Today, a well-maintained asphalt road leads to Perperikon, and a parking lot is equipped at the foot of the hill.

