Description of the attraction
The Shevchenko National Museum is located on the eponymous Kiev boulevard. Due to the fact that the personality of Taras Shevchenko is very ambiguous, the museum has to tell about him as a poet and as an artist. The first visitors came to the museum in 1949, when an exhibition was opened dedicated to the poet's biography, as well as the use of his works during the Second World War. Since then, the exposition has been changed several times. So, in the 80s of the twentieth century, during the repair and restoration work, the idea arose to change the concept of the museum. Now considerable attention was paid to the poet's artistic talent, and the works of Soviet artists and quotes from the classics of Marxism-Leninism, the existence of which Taras Shevchenko did not even suspect, disappeared from the exhibition.
Today, the Shevchenko National Museum houses about 4,000 exhibits that are in one way or another connected with the work and life of the Kobzar. Included in this number are several hundred paintings and drawings written by the master. Taras Shevchenko's personal belongings - pencils, pens, sketchbook, easel and other materials - are of great interest. Books are presented separately in the museum - there are about 34,000 of them. It is here that the complete collection of Shevchenko's editions is collected, starting with Kobzar in 1840 and ending with the last copies. On some books, you can even find dedicatory inscriptions. In the halls of the museum there are also vivid examples of Ukrainian embroidered shirts and kobz.
The halls in the museum are arranged according to a thematic principle: the first contains materials about the birth and childhood of Shevchenko, the rest - materials related to his work. A separate exposition includes works by world famous artists, which tell about Taras Shevchenko. The exhibition ends with a hall dedicated to the poet's death.