Hundreds of factors can spoil the coveted and long-awaited vacation on the ocean. You need to be especially careful when you travel to one of 4 countries where tourists can be threatened by tsunamis - giant waves of destructive force that demolish everything in their path.
Tsunamis are mainly the result of earthquakes. Giant waves can also raise typhoons, landslides, volcanic eruptions and large meteorites.
Differences between tsunami and ordinary waves
Many tourists who prefer to spend their vacations on the shores of the oceans have witnessed major storms, when waves as high as a six-story house go to the shore. However, they cannot be called tsunamis. The latter phenomenon is characterized by:
- huge length - the height of the destructive wave may be small, but its length exceeds the length of an ordinary wave by hundreds of times;
- high speed - a mass of water is directed towards islands or continents at a speed of about 1000 km / h;
- ordinary waves, falling into crevices or narrow bays, subside, and the tsunami, on the contrary, only gains strength.
It is generally accepted that a tsunami is one wave. In fact, this is a series of waves that approach the coast with a time interval from a couple to 120 minutes. The strongest waves are recognized as 1, 5 and 6.
It is possible to understand that the coast is about to be covered by a tsunami by the behavior of animals that leave the area near the sea, rushing away from the water, by the bottom suddenly exposed, as at low tide, by the deformation of the reefs and the formation of new currents.
What to do if you are caught by a tsunami

At the first hint of a possible natural disaster, you need to drive in the opposite direction from the coast. It is best to climb a hill or mountain. If there are no such nearby, then the likely place of salvation will be multi-storey buildings - strong and reliable. The safest area will be the upper floors. You can survive a tsunami if you close all the windows - then the glass will at least partially retain water and reduce the shock of the wave.
Another piece of advice often given by those who are accustomed to the arrival of a big wave from the ocean to frightened tourists is to climb the nearest palm tree and pray to all the saints. Yes, the palm tree will withstand the blow of the elements, but the person will not have enough strength to stay on the tree. Therefore, such advice can immediately be dismissed as unsuccessful.
In general, the authorities of countries that are periodically threatened by tsunamis will save both their citizens and tourists. Therefore, listen to the announcements, obey the commands of knowledgeable people - and everything will be fine.
Countries prone to tsunamis
A distant exotic country does not always guarantee a quiet and relaxing vacation. The list of states where the disasters caused by the tsunami have already occurred has long been known. If you are traveling to one of these countries, be prepared for the unexpected.
About 7,000 islands, a diving paradise, tropics, sun and beaches - and the daily threat of a big wave.
The Philippine archipelago is located at the junction of tectonic plates, which are constantly moving and causing earthquakes, which in turn leads to the formation of a tsunami. It is difficult to predict which island is unlucky enough to be in the path of a giant wave.
In 2013, the tsunami covered two islands - Samar and Leyte. The disaster struck 500 thousand local residents. Missing or killed 10 thousand people.
Solomon islands
The country, which is made up of almost a thousand islands, is off the beaten track. Beach recreation is not developed here due to the fact that in the coastal salt waters there are ridged crocodiles, which are a danger to swimmers.
The Solomon Islands, like the Philippines, is located in a seismic region where earthquakes occur every year. In 2007, due to tremors, a tsunami rose, which wiped out 2 cities of the Solomon Islands from the face of the Earth. But this did not stop her, and she reached Papua New Guinea.
In 2010, the islands were again covered with water. About a thousand local residents were left homeless.
Earthquakes in Japan are common. Locals know very well what to do in this case, where to go and how not to panic. It is worse when an earthquake causes a tsunami.
One of such terrible waves with a height of about 7 meters in 2011 caused a man-made disaster - an accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. At the same time, due to the impact of a water element, 4 cities were flooded, Sendai airport went under water, tankers and trains were washed into the ocean, and a dam was destroyed. There were very large losses among local residents - more than 15 thousand people died.
Paradise Maldives, surrounded by coral reefs that can contain the raging elements, are sometimes also affected by tsunamis.
One of them reached the coast of the considered safe Maldives in 2004. Then in Indonesia there was a strong earthquake that caused a wave 15 meters high, which fanned out across the Indian Ocean.