- What to bring spicy from Cambodia?
- Sugar palm - souvenir supplier
- Valuable breeds
- Jewelry or bijouterie
- Soft tenderness
Traveling to the countries of Southeast Asia always brings vivid impressions and memories to the tourist, no matter how many times he has come here. It is clear that from time to time he begins to be haunted by the question of what to bring from Cambodia, India or China, how else to surprise his family and friends. Below we will try to highlight the topic of shopping in more detail, by telling the example of Cambodian goods that are most often taken home by foreign guests.
What to bring spicy from Cambodia?
The centuries-old history of this region of the planet is inextricably linked with the cultivation and production of spices. They were brought with them by settlers from India, they grew pepper and other fragrant plants even during the Angkor civilization. At the end of the 19th century, when the Dutch colonialists appeared in Indonesia, the local ruler, Sultan Aceh, moved the plantations to the territory of modern Cambodia, to the province of Kampot.
The fertile land and special climatic conditions in this region allowed for large yields, and the pepper was distinguished by a strong spicy aroma. It was very popular with the French colonialists and was supplied to the best restaurants in the metropolis. The plantations, unfortunately, fell into decay during the Khmer Rouge, now the cultivation of pepper is returning to its former position. Spice became the owner of the special Geographical Indicator status, which is given only to unique products grown or produced in a specific region of the planet. Therefore, Kampot pepper can be said to be just a magical gift for mom, grandmother, beloved aunt, especially if you tell them the story of a spice from Cambodia.
Sugar palm - souvenir supplier
The tree with such a delicious name is one of the symbols of Cambodia, and the locals use it for a variety of purposes. It is clear that tourists are not interested in houses, boats and canoes obtained from its wood, but in smaller items that should fit into a suitcase or backpack. First of all, the following goods are sold well: chopsticks; spoons; bowls, cups; vases.
The cut wood is very beautiful, the combination of white and coffee shades creates fantastic patterns. Sugar palm leaves are also used, from which rugs, baskets, hats and fans are woven, which also belong to favorite tourist souvenirs. Naturally, palm sugar is also an integral part of the departing guest's luggage.
Valuable breeds
In addition to the sugar palm, in Cambodia they actively use the wood of the rosewood, the so-called rosewood, and other representatives of the local kingdom of flora. The country still has quite large reserves of rosewood, which has a very beautiful pinkish-reddish shade with brown veins, in contrast to neighboring countries, where almost all plantations of valuable trees have been cut down. On the Cambodian markets, various options for crafts from this wood are presented, the most popular of which are: key rings; hot coasters; magnets; miniature copies of Cambodian temples.
The most daring tourists can buy models of temples and sculptures, which are about a meter high. Counterfeits are often found: the same souvenirs, but made from other, less valuable tree species or, in general, from plastic. It is easy to determine where the real rosewood is - the wood is very heavy.
Jewelry or bijouterie
With such expensive purchases in Cambodia, you should be very careful, there is a production of gold and silver items in the country, however, the quality of jewelry is quite low. In its pure form, silver is almost not present on the markets; alloys are most often found. In addition to precious metal, they contain brass or copper, the first gives the products a white tint, the second - reddish.
The same situation is with precious stones, in Cambodia rubies, sapphires, emeralds are mined, but they are almost immediately purchased by large jewelry corporations from Europe and the USA. On night wounds, synthetic or quartz stones are presented. Sellers, of course, try to convince guests that this is a real mineral, but experienced tourists give advice not to rely on good quality, to accept jewelry as high-quality beautiful costume jewelry.
Soft tenderness
Fabrics are another important export commodity for Cambodia and a good gift for tourists. Basically I buy textiles, which have been produced since time immemorial; the production of silk and cotton is developing rapidly. Every resident of the country has a "Kroma", the so-called national cotton scarf. It can be used in hot and cold weather, during the wind, as a head forest or belt, and it is also one of the main tourist souvenirs.
Exotic Cambodia gives unforgettable impressions and good gifts that will remind you of the country and its hospitable people years later.