One of the parts of the United Kingdom, Wales is significantly different from the rest of the UK in its own original traditions and customs. Many holidays in Wales are very similar to English ones, but some of them are distinctive and special.
Let's take a look at the calendar
Among the traditional holidays in the Old World in Wales, there are their own - very colorful, the traditions of which go back to the distant past:
- Guy Fawkes Night is held annually on the fifth night after Halloween. It was then in 1605 that the Gunpowder Plot failed, the organizers of which tried to set fire to Westminster Palace and kill the king. In honor of the happy salvation, the monarch commanded to celebrate this day, and the main feature of the holiday is the bonfires on which the stuffed rebels are burned.
- Armistice Day first appeared on the holiday calendar in Wales, and along with Canada, the United States and the Netherlands, in 1918. Since then, on November 11, these countries have worn red poppy boutonnieres as a tribute to the victims of the First World War. The proceeds from the sale of boutonnieres are used to help veterans of various wars.
- The day after Christmas in Wales is called the Festival of Gifts. It is an official holiday and is known as a good Christian tradition.
- Apple Day October 21 is dedicated to fruits, the meaning of which is mentioned in the Bible. The program of the holiday includes numerous contests and tastings of dishes made from juicy fruits. The most famous competitions are held among masters of archery at apples, housewives demonstrate their skill in making fruit pies, and gardeners stock up on seedlings at agricultural fairs.
Saint david
Illuminator and patron saint of Wales, St. David has his own holiday, celebrated annually on March 1. Bishop David was born in the 5th or 6th century and was the great-nephew of King Arthur.
The celebration of Wales in honor of St. David has existed for three hundred years, and its main feature is parades and processions with the participation of soldiers of the Welsh regiment.
Residents of cities attach national symbols to their clothes - daffodils or leeks, and numerous concerts and theatrical performances are held in pubs.
About Celtic culture
The famous Eistedvod festival takes place in August. All of Wales these days is a gigantic concert venue. The festival is dedicated to Celtic culture - music and poetry, and annually about 150 thousand guests from all over the world take part in it.
The highlight of the Eistedvod festival program is performances of bards with folk songs. In total, at least six thousand performers compete within the framework of each annual holiday. In addition to music, folk crafts, Celtic dances are presented here, books and products of local craftsmen are sold.
The classic Eistedwood Festival has become a role model, and in Wales, similar events are now held in schools for pupils, and regional - in different areas of the country for youth and students.