Senegal rivers

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Senegal rivers
Senegal rivers

Video: Senegal rivers

Video: Senegal rivers
Video: The Guards of The River Senegal | Today In Africa | TRACKS 2024, June
photo: Rivers of Senegal
photo: Rivers of Senegal

The largest rivers in Senegal are Senegal, Salum, Gambia and Casamance.

Senegal river

It is one of the largest West African rivers, with a total length of 1970 kilometers. The river bed is a natural border between two states - Senegal and Mauritania. The source of the river is the confluence of two river streams: Bafing and Bakoy.

The river got its name thanks to the ancient Berber tribe of Senega, who once lived on its banks. Europeans first entered the shores of Senegal only in 1444. And the first was the Portuguese Dinish Dias.

The main tributaries of the river: Falem; Karakoro; Gorgol. There are many protected areas in the river basin, in particular, Jute (ornithological reserve), Diavaling (national park), etc.

Salum river

Salum is geographically entirely located in Senegal. The total length of the channel is 250 kilometers. The last 112 kilometers of the current are navigable. The confluence of the Salum is the waters of the Atlantic.

In the delta of the river, there is the Salum National Park, with an area of 76 thousand hectares. In 1981, it was included in the UNESCO list as one of the biosphere reserves - there are huge mangrove forests.

Gambia river

The river passes through Guinea, Senegal and Gambia. The total length of the river is 1130 kilometers. The source of the river is on the Futa Jallone plateau (Guinea). The mouth of the river is the waters of the Atlantic, while the river forms an estuary about 30 kilometers wide. In the upper reaches the river is rather rapids, but in the middle and lower reaches it calms down.

The last 467 kilometers are navigable, starting from the city of Banjul and below. Powerful Atlantic tides rise 150 kilometers upstream.

River Casamance

Casamance is a West African river located in the south of Senegal. The total length of the channel is 320 kilometers. The mouth of the river is the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The course of the river is navigable 130 kilometers from the place of confluence.

Gebu river

Gebu is one of the West African rivers located on the territory of two countries: Senegal and Guinea-Bissau. The total length of the channel is 545 kilometers. The current is navigable 145 kilometers up from the confluence. Mouth of Gebu - Atlantic waters (territory of Guinea-Bissau).
