Poland trains

Poland trains
Poland trains
photo: Poland trains
photo: Poland trains

Poland's trains have a good level of service, especially for trains running on international routes. Their comfort meets European requirements for the quality of services and safety.

In this country, rail traffic is developing rapidly. A dense network of railways covers all areas. In western Poland, trains are very popular. From the capital, you can get to any of the main cities in 2-5 hours. High-speed trains are not yet used here, but transportation by rail is distinguished by a well-thought-out organization. The railway network is about 25 thousand km long. At the same time, the movement of trains is not concentrated only on the central part of the country. There are large numbers of trains running from the capital to different parts of Poland.

What trains are there in Poland

For passengers, there are express trains that run between major settlements. They are only daytime and follow with occasional stops. For long journeys, it is better to choose such express trains. TLK trains run at all stops. They are suitable for traveling to neighboring cities and suburbs.

Ticket prices

Train tickets in Poland are affordable. Their cost depends on the class of the train and the distance of the route. The railway is subordinated to a national company - the Polish State Passenger Railway Network. Train timetables in Poland are published on the official website of this organization - www.pkp.pl. Information there is available in Polish. The international timetable can be viewed at www. intercity.pl. On this resource, passengers buy e-tickets. Many of them purchase train tickets in the form of printouts. This form is considered the safest. It is better to buy tickets a few days before departure, especially in summer. Passengers reserve seats to the most popular destinations in advance. Ticket sales start a couple of months before the trip.

To find a ticket in the desired direction and see the train schedule in Poland, you should go to rozklad-pkp.pl. This service is also available for Russian-speaking passengers. Tickets are also sold at ticket machines and ticket offices located at train stations. Passengers are offered special smoking areas, indicated by the icon. For domestic travel, the train ticket does not need to be printed if purchased online. It is enough for the conductor to show the secret code by opening it on the screen of a laptop or smartphone. Express tickets are more expensive than others. The most accessible seats are considered to be on TLK trains.
