Tunisian cuisine is an assortment of Asian, Arab, European culinary traditions: spices, herbs and spices are widely used in it, giving the dishes a piquant and unique taste.
National cuisine of Tunisia
Pork dishes are not cooked in Tunisia, but beef, veal, goat meat, poultry, fish, seafood and even camel meat are popular here. From cold appetizers, salty lemons, tuna, “omak khuriya” (a salad of pumpkin and boiled carrots with spices) are common, from hot ones - “tagin” (an omelet with herbs, cheese, potatoes and chicken), seafood (cuttlefish, octopus, squid) grilled brik (cheburek with tuna, potatoes, egg and parsley). Shorba stands out from soups - it is made from lamb or fish (sometimes with vegetables) with the addition of flour and tomato paste. As for the exotic, then in Tunisia you can be offered to taste the fruits of a cactus.
Popular Tunisian dishes:
- Harissa (a spicy paste made from red pepper, garlic, parsley and olive oil);
- Genaoya (a stew with sweet and chili peppers);
- “Couscous” (meat stewed with spices, vegetables and millet);
- “Marka” (a dish of baked meat in tomato sauce);
- “Assida” (a dessert made from milk, eggs, nut cream, pine seeds and pistachios).
Where to taste the national cuisine?
It should be noted that regardless of the level of the Tunisian restaurant, the first change of cold appetizers (olives, salad "Meshuya", tuna) will not be included in the bill.
In Tunisia, you can look into “Dar El Jeld” (those who want to enjoy Tunisian food and excellent wines come to this restaurant, and in the evening - casual music), in Sousse - in “Café Seles” (in this place you will be served delicious fried fish and couscous), in Hammamet - in "Condor" (here you will be offered to taste brik with various sauces) or "La Beduina" (here they serve couscous with fish, lamb cutlets, salted fish and squid), on the island Djerba - in “El Ferida” (in this restaurant guests can enjoy Tunisian cuisine, and in the evening - live music concerts). Tip: if you are going to local restaurants together, then you should not order more than 2 hot and cold snacks, since most likely you will not be able to “master” a couple of plates in one.
Cooking classes in Tunisia
Some Tunisian restaurants sometimes host workshops and cooking classes in Tunisian cuisine, which means that gourmets and those simply interested in the cuisines of the countries they go to on vacation will be able to attend these events and take an active part in them.
Do you want to get a lot of positive emotions and enjoy fresh dates? Head to Tunisia during the Date Harvest Festival (November) for camel races, snake charmers, knife throwing and whip-snapping competitions.