For an ordinary tourist, the Dominican Republic opens up only from one side, as a place of eternal fun and carnival, the bright colors of the sea, sky and vegetation. The national characteristics of the Dominican Republic lie in the fact that, in addition to an endless holiday, there is a place for workdays, hard work, and sincere faith.
Most of the local population are descendants of the first conquerors who had Spanish roots. Thanks to Catholic ancestors, all Christian holidays are celebrated here.
Dominican Christmas
The entourage of this winter holiday is fundamentally different from the usual Russian one - there is no snow, no frost, no winter games and fun. But all the elements inherent in Christmas are sacredly observed. From the beginning of December, Christmas markets begin, and sales are everywhere.
The main symbol of Christmas and the upcoming New Year - a tree - is also present here, and the Dominicans decorate, at your choice:
- a real live Christmas tree;
- artificial spruce;
- palm tree.
It is customary to decorate so that branches, needles or palm leaves are practically invisible under the rows of toys, garlands, shiny rain and hawthorn.
Features of the Dominican culture
Affects the influence of different peoples and nationalities. Firstly, you can still find representatives of the Taino tribe, belonging to the indigenous people of the country. Secondly, a large group is made up of the heirs of the first European settlers. Third, there are many former African Americans living in the Dominican Republic.
This mixing of peoples is reflected in cultural processes. The first settlers from Europe brought the Spanish language and the Catholic faith to these territories. However, residents still turn to the indigenous people for medicines when they are ill. Immigrants from Africa and their descendants represent a bright layer of song and dance culture.
Dominican cuisine
Local dishes are difficult to identify, to any of the national cuisines of the world. Here you can find local, African and European recipes, as well as new dishes based on them. Of the peculiarities of the Dominican cuisine, tourists note an amazing combination of meat and fruits, sometimes very exotic. Fried bananas are popular here, but yellow, soft fruits, which are not usual for Europeans. A certain variety of green bananas are used, which should not be eaten raw. Such bananas are added after frying to soups, served as a side dish for meat and fish.