Features of Ireland

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Features of Ireland
Features of Ireland

Video: Features of Ireland

Video: Features of Ireland
Video: Ireland Culture | Fun Facts About Ireland 2024, June
photo: Features of Ireland
photo: Features of Ireland

The island, located in the most northwestern part of Europe, is not yet perceived by most tourists as a holiday destination. It takes a long time to get to the country, there are no world-class resorts. And yet, a certain part of tourists gets to the most secluded corners, dreaming of seeing endless fields and hills covered with a gray haze, and meeting real Irish red-haired beauties, undoubtedly knowing the magical means of seduction.

Irish Fair

Such events have never been a place of pure trade and profit, fairs, rather, an exhibition of achievements, a place of fun and entertainment. No such meeting is complete without the participation of street musicians, theater or circus performers.

In the final part, professionals and amateurs of Irish dances gather to demonstrate their skills in a dance-competition and find out who is the best.

Another group of entertainment that Irish men adore is sports, there are also specific sports, for example, something between hockey and Gaelic football.

Holiday of the nation

Another event that unites the whole country and all its inhabitants is St. Patrick's Day, which is celebrated annually with pomp and joy on March 17th. In recent years, the celebration has taken place not only in Ireland, but also in many cities around the world, but only here you can feel the atmosphere of a real Irish holiday.

That is why the middle of March is marked by a sharp increase in the number of tourists, as well as the Irish themselves returning to their historical homeland for the sake of the holy day. The scenario of the holiday is traditional and includes:

  • parade or solemn procession of all participants dressed in green outfits or decorated with a shamrock;
  • parties of Irish music and mesmerizing dances;
  • endless sea of beer of all sorts.

Ireland dance business card

Representatives of the Irish nation dance anytime, anywhere, there are many schools and clubs where from an early age they teach to move beautifully, obeying the breath and musical rhythm. Today there are thousands of different Irish dance competitions where participants can present:

  • solo dance;
  • group, where the dancing participants are located in a circle or in a row;
  • set, pair competition.

The originality and uniqueness of the movements allowed the national dances to become the hallmark of Ireland and find millions of fans in different parts of the world.
