One of the "dwarf" states of Europe, San Marino is surrounded on all sides by the territory of Italy and boasts the oldest history and traditions in the Old World. The country received its name from the name of the saint who once founded it. Despite the small size of the republic, it attracts many thousands of tourists every year, because the culture of San Marino is diverse and unique.
San Marines. Who are they?
A little more than 30 thousand people permanently live in San Marino. About twenty thousand more live abroad - in Italy or France. The languages spoken in the state are French, German, English and even Esperanto. The state official language is Italian.
To obtain citizenship of San Marino, you must either be born in the republic, or be adopted by its citizens, or have been officially married to a San Marino or San Mari woman for at least 15 years.
Monte Titano. Mountain or symbol?
In fact, the whole country is located on the slopes of Monte Titano, on which Saint Martin decided to establish the first settlement here at the very beginning of the 4th century. The mountain plays a huge role in the culture of San Marino, because the medieval complex of the Three Towers is located here. Ancient stone colossi serve as symbols of freedom, and their images adorn the coat of arms and flag of the state:
- The oldest Guaita tower was built in the 11th century. The purpose of the building was the most prosaic - it contained criminals of all stripes.
- Chesta began to be built in the 13th century and today its height above sea level is 750 meters. This is the highest point of the republic.
- The 14th century tower of Montale is the latest and most closed building of the architectural complex. Her image adorns one Sanmarine Eurocentre.
Monte Titano and the historic center of the country's capital, San Marino, have been honored to be included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List for "unprecedented consistency in the role of capital … since the 13th century."
Palace overlooking the mountains
Not only the complex of the Three Towers tells the tourist about the culture of San Marino and its architectural features. For those who prefer a varied excursion program, the guides recommend the Palazzo Publico, built in the 19th century and the seat of the Parliament, to visit. The observation deck in front of the palace offers a magnificent view of the snow-capped peaks of the Alps and the settlements located in the valley.