The center of the Chinese province of Heilongjiang is Harbin. It is a large city with an interesting history. You can get to it using transit routes, through Shanghai or Beijing.
Ticket prices
The cheapest tickets to Harbin start at $ 420 one way. There are no regular direct flights from the Russian capital to this city. But there are direct flights to Harbin from the Far Eastern and Siberian cities. You can also get there by rail.
Accommodation in Harbin
The cost of living there is moderate. Prices in Harbin are low even when compared to other Chinese cities. There are hotels in the city, which differ in the level of service, range of services and class. The most popular 3 * hotel - "Hotel Ibis Harbin Shangzhi" is located near the main street of Harbin (Arbat). You can rent a room there at any time. Each room has everything you need for a comfortable stay. If you are interested in higher class hotels, then pay attention to the "Golden Century Hotel" 4 *, where there are rooms of different levels. There are many 5 * hotels in Harbin, room rates in which start from 500 *. Hostels are intended for budget travelers. The average price for a room in a hostel is $ 50-70 (300-500 yuan). A private room can be rented for 1200 RMB. A two-room suite will cost RMB 1,500 per week.
Harbin transport system
Public transport is represented by taxis and buses. Taxis have taximeters. The landing and the first 3 km cost 8 RMB. Further, for each kilometer, 1.9 yuan is charged. Night trips are more expensive. Harbin has over 100 bus routes that connect different areas. A single bus ride costs 1 RMB.
Excursions and entertainment
There are a lot of interesting tourist sites in Harbin. To visit the tallest steel tower, you need to purchase a ticket for 150 yuan. The second floor of Harbin TV Tower has a dinosaur exhibition, 4D cinema and children's entertainment center. The Seventh Heaven restaurant is located a little higher. Entrance to the polar oceanarium costs 130 yuan. The entrance ticket to the tiger park will cost 90 yuan. You can ride the cable car for 50 yuan (one-way ticket price). A tour of the pearl factory costs from 100 yuan. Tourists are happy to visit the Vostok silk factory. There you can buy silk products: paintings, souvenirs, clothes, bedspreads, etc.