The population of Afghanistan is over 35 million.
On the territory of Afghanistan, traces of ancient people have been found who used tools dating back to the Mousterian period (100,000 BC) in their everyday life.
Modern Afghanistan is a country in which unrest always occurs (over the centuries, the country was constantly attacked: from the Greeks, Persians, Kushans, Mongols, British, and in the recent past, Russians).
The ethnic composition of Afghanistan is represented by:
- Tajiks;
- Pashtuns;
- the Hazaras;
- other nations (Uzbeks, Turkmens, Charaymaks).
Approximately 20% of the population of Afghanistan are nomads and semi-nomads. The urban population (18%) mainly lives in Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-i-Sharif, Herat.
43 people live per 1 sq. Km, but the densely populated areas are the oases of Kabul and Kandahar (population density - 480 people per 1 sq. Km), and the south and south-west of the country are less populated, where the Registan and Dashti-Margo deserts are located (here 1-10 people live per 1 sq. km).
State languages - Pashto, Dari.
Major cities: Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-i-Sharif.
Residents of Afghanistan profess Islam, Hinduism, and paganism.
Life span
On average, Afghan residents live up to 45 years. And all because there is no normal medicine in the country due to wars and destruction.
The country has a high female mortality rate during childbirth (there are 1,700 deaths per 100,000 women in labor). The Taliban authorities are largely to blame for this state of affairs - they forbade women to give birth outside the home and seek help from the medical staff. Today, healthcare has been practically destroyed in the country - out of 31 provinces, only 11 have at least some kind of medical assistance, which is provided to the population by local veterinarians.
The lives of the inhabitants of Afghanistan are carried away by tuberculosis, infectious and oncological diseases, malaria, dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever.
Traditions and customs of the people of Afghanistan
Afghans are hospitable people who are good-natured to everyone who does not violate their traditions and customs.
There is an interesting custom in the country regarding widows - they are obliged to marry the brother of their deceased husband. Nevertheless, the widow has the right to refuse, but in this case she will live alone and will never marry again.
It is a great honor and a show of respect for an Afghan to invite a foreigner. Attempting to refuse an invitation or to contribute money or food can be seen as a grievous insult to an Afghan family. But, getting ready for a visit, you can take with you a small present (flowers, sweets, tobacco).
Guests should not praise the children, the house, jewelry or weapons, because according to Afghan traditions, the owner of the house is obliged to give the guest any item he likes, no matter how dear it is to the Afghan.