Population of Spain

Population of Spain
Population of Spain
photo: Population of Spain
photo: Population of Spain

The population of Spain is over 47 million.

Initially, Spain was inhabited by Celts and Iberians, then, during the Middle Ages, the Goths, Burgundians, and Germanic tribes began to inhabit the country. So, due to the fact that different ethnic groups mixed, the Catalans and other peoples of the Mediterranean appeared.

National composition

  • Spaniards;
  • Catalans;
  • Galician;
  • basques;
  • other nations (Gypsies, Asturians, Moroccans, Russians).

On average, 80 people live per 1 km2, but the north (Galicia), northeast (Catalonia) and the central part of the country around the capital are most densely populated, and the southern regions are less densely populated (this is due to the arid climate).

The official language is Spanish, but in the autonomous regions they also communicate in Galician, Basque, Catalan, Aran and Valencian.

Major cities: Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Zaragoza, Seville.

95% of the population of Spain professes Catholicism, the rest - Protestantism, Islam, Judaism.

Life span

The male population lives on average up to 79, and the female population up to 82 years.

High indicators of life expectancy are largely due to the fact that the state deducts more than $ 3,000 per person per year for health care, as well as the fact that the inhabitants of Spain lead an active lifestyle and eat right (Mediterranean nutrition strengthens the arteries of the Spaniards, which helps to protect them from cardiovascular disease).

Over the past decades, Spanish medicine has managed to reduce child mortality and achieve success in the fight against lung cancer.

In Spain, only 16% of the population is obese (the total for Europe is 28%).

Perhaps the Spaniards would have lived even more if not for their addiction to smoking (Spain is one of the leaders in cigarette consumption per capita).

Traditions and customs of the Spaniards

The Spaniards have an interesting tradition - an afternoon nap (siesta), during which all government offices, including banks and shops, are closed.

The main Spanish traditions are related to the family: for them, it is above all. After the wedding, a woman keeps her last name, so children born in marriage receive a double surname. It is also interesting that the first son is usually named after the father, and the daughter - after the mother.

If the Spaniards decide to divorce, they will have to wait 5 years - only after this time their marriage will be officially dissolved.

The Spaniards love to celebrate the holidays in a fun and big way. So, during the February carnival, all Spanish cities are immersed in fun, accompanied by music, colors and colors.

The Spaniards love to spend time at the traditional fair in Seville (April) - here they drink, dance, sing, day and night.

Traditions are honored in Spain, so large music and theater festivals are regularly held here, for example, in June everyone comes to Granada for an international festival with concerts, operetta, flamenco …

Arriving in Spain, you will be able to meet temperamental Spaniards who speak loudly and gesticulate vigorously.

Updated: 09.03.
