The state flag of the Republic of Niger was approved in 1959 and is an integral symbol of the country along with the coat of arms and anthem.
Description and proportions of the flag of Niger
The rectangular cloth of the Niger flag is typical for the absolute majority of the independent states of the world. Only its proportions are somewhat different from the usual norms. The width of the flag of Niger is very slightly inferior to its length, and their ratio is expressed in a ratio of 6: 7.
The Niger flag looks like a typical tricolor. It is divided into three equal horizontal fields. The upper stripe is bright orange, the middle field is white, and the bottom of the flag is light green. In the center of the flag, on its white part, a round orange disc is applied, which coincides with the color of the upper field.
The flag of Niger, according to the law of the country, can be used for any purpose on land. It can be raised by both government organizations and individuals.
The orange field of the Niger flag represents the Sahara Desert, on the territory of which the state is located. The green color of the flag is not only the color of oases in the desert, giving the opportunity to engage in agriculture, but also the color of hope for a better future. The white field of the Niger flag is a symbol of the purity and simple thoughts of the people of Niger. The orange disc in the center of the flag symbolizes the Sun, which brings life and prosperity to our planet.
The flags of Niger are also represented on the coat of arms of the republic, the center of which is a white heraldic shield. Zebu's head and the sun above it are inscribed on the shield in gold. To the left of the image of the sun on the coat of arms there is an arrow with two crossed swords, and to the right - inflorescences. The background for the shield is the four flags of Niger, the folds of which fall onto the white ribbon at the base of the coat of arms. The name of the state is inscribed on it.
The Niger flag mirrors the colors and stripes of the Indian flag, but this is a mere coincidence.
History of the flag of Niger
The colonization of Niger by the French began in 1900. Having received the status of an overseas territory within the French Union in 1946, Niger received a flag typical for all controlled territories. The flag of France was located on the canopy at the flagpole, and the coat of arms of Niger was on the right side.
Having become an autonomous republic in 1958, Niger begins to develop a constitution and official symbols of the country - the coat of arms and the flag. On November 23, 1959, the Niger flag was officially approved, and in 1960 the country got its first president and it acquires final sovereignty.