Castle of Santa Barbara (Castillo Santa Barbara) description and photos - Spain: Alicante

Castle of Santa Barbara (Castillo Santa Barbara) description and photos - Spain: Alicante
Castle of Santa Barbara (Castillo Santa Barbara) description and photos - Spain: Alicante
Castle of Saint Barbara
Castle of Saint Barbara

Description of the attraction

The Castle of Santa Barbara is located on Mount Benacantil right in the center of Alicante and is visible from almost anywhere in the city and the entire coast. On Mount Benacantil, archaeologists have found objects that testify to human activity here during the Bronze Age, the development of the Iberian culture, and the dominion of the Roman Empire. The castle of St. Barbara itself, which is a massive fortress, was founded here during the Arab conquests at the end of the 9th century. The castle owes its name to the fact that it was recaptured from the Muslims by the Infant Alfonso of Castile on the day of commemoration of Saint Barbara, December 4, 1248.

Throughout its history, the castle has undergone significant changes. 50 years after its conquest by the Spaniards, under King James II, it was slightly rebuilt. Under King Pedro IV, almost a century later, additional walls were added here, and by order of King Charles I, at the beginning of the 16th century, fortifications were erected in the fortress. Also in the 16th century, the main rooms and utility rooms were built, which have remained intact to this day.

The fortress suffered significantly from many wars that affected Spain. Since 1963, the fortress has been open for free visits.

The three-level castle of St. Barbara appears before us in all its splendor. On the first level, there is a monument to the most famous military leader of Alicante and Viceroy of New Mexico, Felix Berenguer de Marquín. On the second and third levels are the most notable structures such as the Philippe II Hall, the Watchtower, the English Bastion, the Hall of Fame and the dilapidated ancient chapel of St. Barbara. In the castle you can also see a collection of sculptures, represented mainly by busts of prominent personalities of Spain. The top of the fortress offers an amazing view of Alicante and the Mediterranean coast.

