Jesuit church description and photo - Ukraine: Vinnytsia

Jesuit church description and photo - Ukraine: Vinnytsia
Jesuit church description and photo - Ukraine: Vinnytsia
Jesuit church
Jesuit church

Description of the attraction

A striking historical object of the city of Vinnitsa is the Jesuit Church. The construction of the majestic church began in 1610. By 1617, the construction of the Jesuit church was completed. In 1778 the church was damaged by fire, but was soon restored. In 1891, a part of its wall from the side of the main facade collapsed. Minor parts of the premises were renovated in 1901. The renovation of the building began in 1907.

As a defense against ill-wishers, the Jesuits fenced the complex with thick walls, and erected towers at their corners. The external appearance of the church began to resemble a solid fortress. These walls (moors) are the only fortifications that have survived in the city.

The almost unadorned church faces towards Soborna Street. The structure has three naves, a basement and a cross vaults. The middle nave on the facade corresponds to a risalit with four pilasters of the Tuscan order, carrying a triangular pediment. An extended monastery building (convict) is attached to the opposite end of the church. The monastery was built parallel to the bank of the Southern Bug and seemed to slide to the river - as evidenced by three buttresses between small windows. A chapel-chapel was attached to the same wall. The façade is enlivened by the elaborated architraves of niches - false windows.

Due to multiple reconstructions and frequent changes of owners, it is now difficult to guess what the original appearance of the complex really was. Now some parts of the building are being restored.

Today, the Jesuit church houses the regional archive.

