Castello Visconteo castle description and photos - Italy: Pavia

Castello Visconteo castle description and photos - Italy: Pavia
Castello Visconteo castle description and photos - Italy: Pavia
Castello Visconteo Castle
Castello Visconteo Castle

Description of the attraction

Castello Visconteo was built in Pavia in the 1360s by order of the Duke of Galeazzo II Visconti shortly after he seized the formerly independent commune. The author of the project was the trusted architect of the Duke Bartolino da Novara. The castle served as the main residence of the Visconti family, while Milan remained the political capital of the duchy. To the north of Castello, a spacious park was laid out, on the territory of which was located the Monastery of Certosa di Pavia, founded at the end of the 14th century as the tomb of members of a powerful clan. The Battle of Pavia took place in the same park in 1525.

The history of the foundation of the castle is as follows. In 1354, Archbishop Giovanni Visconti died, and his nephews Matteo II, Galeazzo II and Barnab remained heirs. A year later, Matteo died, and the two brothers divided Pavia among themselves: Barnab received the eastern lands of Pavia and the territory east of Milan, and Galeazzo - the western ones. Barnaba's residence was in Ca 'di Can, near the Roman Gate and the Church of San Giovanni in Conca, while Galeazzo settled in Palazzo Arengo next to Pavia Cathedral. It was then that the castle of Castello di Porta Jovia was built, which was originally a defensive fortress outside the medieval city walls.

In 1392, Gian Galeazzo, son of Galeazzo II, built a small fortress, which faced the inner courtyard of the castle and was used as a barracks for mercenary troops. A moat filled with water was built between the two wings of the castle. And also this castle served as a prison - the very same Barnab, captured by his own nephew Gian Galeazzo, languished in captivity here.

The last of the Visconti family, Filippo Maria, built a bridge between the two parts of Castello and ordered the garden to be laid out. In those years, the castle, considered one of the largest family possessions of the Visconti (it measured 180x180 meters around the perimeter), was turned into a residence, where Filippo Maria lived alone until his death. Today, Castello Visconteo houses the Civic Museum of Pavia and the Pinacoteca Malaspina, and the surrounding park has become a favorite vacation spot.

