Description of the attraction
The Vancouver Maritime Museum is located on the waterfront in Vanier Park near the Vancouver Museum. The museum was opened in 1959 and is Canada's oldest maritime museum and one of the finest maritime museums in North America.
The collection of the Vancouver Maritime Museum has more than 15,000 objects and perfectly illustrates the maritime history of not only Vancouver, but all of British Columbia and Northern Canada. The museum displays many models of various vessels, including historical ones, navigation equipment, instruments, maps, drawings, sketches, forms and much more. There is an entertaining children's Discovery Center in the museum, an excellent library and archive and a small workshop where visitors can watch the creation of ship models by the master.
Perhaps the most valuable and interesting exhibit of the museum is the famous schooner “St. Roch”, which was the first to completely circumnavigate North America. The schooner "St. Roch is also known as the second sailing vessel to cross the Northwest Passage. Roald Amundsen was the first to pass this passage, his sloop "Joa" moved from east to west, while the ship St. Roch followed in the opposite direction - from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, adhering to the route already laid by Amundsen. It is worth paying attention to the NASA research submarine Ben Franklin (PX-15), as well as drawn maps of the famous English navigator, explorer and cartographer - James Cook and a model of the 74-gun battleship of the French Navy - Vengeur du Peuple ".