Description of the attraction
The building of the old Chorsu market is located on Tashkentskaya street, next to the Registan square in the center of Samarkand. The word "Chorsu" is of Persian origin. It can be translated as "Four Roads", which serves as a clear indication of the place where the market was built. A strategically important intersection was chosen as the site for the trade pavilion, where four roads intersected leading to the main cities of the medieval khanate located on the territory of present-day Uzbekistan. Later, this market was occupied by hats merchants, so they began to call it the Dome, where they sell hats. In the 18th century, the building of the old market was demolished and the pavilion that we see today was built. They began to call it Chorsu again, since it had four entrances through which one could exit to four roads.
Chorsu market is crowned with one large dome. There are also small domes above each portal. Until the 1900s, absolutely everything was sold here except food. Here one could find medicinal products, clothes, books, etc. The building was surrounded by small pavilions, where the household items were also sold. Thus, Chorsu resembled a well-organized market.
When Uzbekistan became one of the republics of the Soviet Union, the Chorsu trading dome was recognized as a historical monument, which, nevertheless, continued to be used as a market. In it one could find various souvenirs and small items for the home. In 2005, the building was given its original appearance, for which the walls were cleared of layers three meters down. Now in the Chorsu market there is an art gallery, where works of famous local masters are presented.