Why you shouldn't be nervous at airports

Why you shouldn't be nervous at airports
Why you shouldn't be nervous at airports
photo: Why you shouldn't be nervous at airports
photo: Why you shouldn't be nervous at airports

"Even the stems of the flowers were broken, what they were looking for …" - this is how the famous Russian actor described the reaction of the customs officers at the airport to his nervousness. The employees were looking for something forbidden, which the passenger must be carrying, based on his anxious behavior. And he is simply afraid to fly, from his youth. And he brought flowers to his wife, who met him.

Airport bans


There are many prohibitions in the rules of conduct for passengers of the air harbor. All of them are logical, for example, it is forbidden:

  • organize mass events, from rallies to concerts;
  • to roll children in luggage carts;
  • leave pets unattended;
  • rollerblading and other fashionable means of transportation;
  • use chairs and sofas in the waiting room as sleeping places.

Other prohibitions are no less reasonable. These are the rules. There is only one advice - do not be nervous. If you want to go through control without any problems and fly away normally. All stages of control are carried out in the interests of security, ours with you.

Security Service

The first control is at the entrance. In order not to allow people with prohibited items and hazardous substances into the building. Industry security personnel use metal detectors and baggage scanners for inspection.

For those who are dissatisfied with the audit: it is carried out in full compliance with federal law. Just there it is written that increased fussiness, nervousness, this is a reason for a more in-depth examination. First, they may ask a couple of clarifying questions about your behavior. Then the police come into play, who have the right to carry out a body search.

Even if you managed to pull yourself together at the entrance control, your mood is still monitored. Most waiting rooms are equipped with video cameras and thermal imagers. Passengers who have such a scanner recorded an increase in temperature will be invited for additional checks. The temperature rises not only from aggression, perhaps you start to get sick with some kind of virus. During a pandemic, both are important.

The video camera also helps to identify potentially dangerous travelers - by gestures, facial expressions and some actions. To do this, the staff of all major airports have profilers - experts in the behavior of people.

Passenger - help yourself

We are nervous before flying for a variety of reasons:

  • no matter how delayed the flight, otherwise I will not have time for the transfer …
  • and suddenly health at a height of disappointment …
  • if only the children on board did not start to be capricious …
  • some worried about a successful business trip …
  • many are simply afraid of flying, and this is a separate topic.

At the check-in counter, during pre-flight inspection, border control or customs control, your hectic behavior will also become a reason for the special attention of the employees. Even the way you answer clarifying questions, sharply or, on the contrary, uncertainly, all this will raise reasonable suspicions.

It makes sense to confess to the employee the reason for his mood. This will remove distrust, remove doubts from him. And it will greatly facilitate the flight for you, because the expressed fears reduce anxiety. Perhaps the airport worker will find words that will calm you down. This, by the way, is their responsibility.

And best of all - auto-training, breathing exercises, an interesting magazine, pleasant music in headphones. Anything to help you relieve stress. Then you will definitely avoid additional problems before the flight.
