Seven hills over the Dnieper - a narrow, small rivulet, which not far from its source does not at all resemble the full-flowing artery that can be seen in neighboring Ukraine. On these hills, on the two banks of the Dnieper in the second half of the 9th century, Smolensk was founded - the dream of conquerors from the East and West, a city called "the shield of Russia".
Its main attraction - the fortress, which locals often call the Kremlin - was built according to Western models. The fortress walls covered a large space, within which all city buildings were located. This was atypical for Russian cities, where most of the inhabitants lived outside the Kremlin walls. The Smolensk fortress was built by the architect Fyodor Kon by order of Boris Godunov. Today, you can see the partially preserved fortress walls, interspersed with towers.
Among the sacral structures of the city, three pre-Mongol churches should be especially noted, consecrated in the name of Saints Peter and Paul, John the Theologian and Michael the Archangel. The Holy Dormition Cathedral, crowning the Cathedral Mountain, is also of constant interest among tourists. It contains the relics of Saint Mercury, who could single-handedly drive Batu's army away from the walls of Smolensk, and the most valuable icon of the Smolensk Mother of God “Hodegetria”.
There are also many museums in the city. You should definitely look into the Art Gallery, the Smolensk Lena Museum - the only one in Russia, the Tvardovsky Museum-Apartment.
Where to go for free

If you carefully study city posters, especially during important dates, for example, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day or March 8, you can find venues where free concerts are held dedicated to these holidays. Musical shows are staged in some squares and in the Gubernsky CDC.
In the cultural and exhibition center. The Tenishevs on Przhevalsky Street sometimes host free exhibitions.
Fairs are held in Lopatinsky Garden on New Year's, Easter and similar holidays, where the whole city gathers. The people are entertained with contests, songs, tricks.
If you arrived in Smolensk on the most ordinary, unremarkable day, then the city will also offer you free entertainment - a wonderful walk:
- start your promenade on Smirnov Square, where there is a sculptural composition depicting the poet Alexander Tvardovsky and the character of his poem Vasily Terkin;
- walk to the fortress wall, find the Alley of Heroes and the Thunder Tower, where the museum "Smolensk - the Shield of Russia" is located;
- further on your way you will meet the Blonie Garden with the Glinka monument. Behind the garden on Lenin Street, you must definitely find the oldest building in the city - a small smithy;
- then go out to Bolshaya Sovetskaya, which has many interesting historical buildings. There will be two monasteries ahead - Voznesensky and Troitsky. Their temples are free to enter;
- slightly ahead of your journey will be the Assumption Cathedral, open to believers and tourists.
Top 20 sights of Smolensk
Entertainment for children
Many tourists with children come to Smolensk. The city has enough places to go with toddlers and teenagers. The most popular amusement park in Smolensk is located in the Lopatinsky Garden. There is also a planetarium and a cinema..
In the shopping center "Zebra" you can find the kids' club "Zebrik", which contains about 3 dozen different attractions. The guys shoot at the shooting range, ride a children's railroad and mini-cars, participate in master classes.
"Galaxy Park", operating in the "Galaktika" shopping and entertainment center, will appeal to children of all ages. Teenagers will be delighted with the opportunity to play bowling and fight with lasers, trampolines and merry-go-rounds will be remembered by kids.
Another place where you need to take children in Smolensk is the interactive museum "In the world of fairy tales". Excursions around it are conducted by animators dressed in costumes of fairy-tale characters.
Wildlife lovers should definitely visit the Smolensk Zoo to see funny monkeys, tropical birds, slow snakes, etc.
Smolensk in winter and summer
Once in Smolensk, you might think that you have somehow transported somewhere far to the north - for example, to St. Petersburg. The weather conditions of Smolensk remind of St. Petersburg - it is also foggy, damp and slushy here. This is especially noticeable in spring and autumn. Therefore, tourists try to visit Smolensk in summer, when the air warms up to 17-20 degrees, or in winter, when there is snow, there is a slight frost (the average air temperature in January is about -10 degrees).
Monthly weather forecast for Smolensk
In the summer, it's a sin to go to museums and generally sit indoors. All the main summer attractions of Smolensk are concentrated in parks. In Lopatinsky, attractions for the whole family are installed, there is a catamarans rental point. Bicycles are rented in Readovka Park. On Lenin Square, you can get hold of rollers and scooters for free. True, here they will ask to leave a certain amount of money as a pledge, which will then be returned.
In winter, people go skiing in Smolensk. Rentals can be found at ski resorts - for example, in the village of Krasny Bor, where there are two good ski slopes, or in the village of Kolodnya, where a whole forest is at the service of skiers.
A skating rink is being flooded on Lenin Square, where you can spend time for free. Other skating rinks work at the Arena Hotel, in the Yubileiny Sports Palace, Lopatinsky Garden, Ice Palace.