- How to obtain Croatian citizenship by law?
- Other ways to obtain Croatian citizenship
- Special cases
The former Yugoslavia on the map of Europe today is represented by several independent states, each of which builds its own domestic and foreign policy. Immigrants have the opportunity to move to permanent residence and obtain citizenship of any of these countries, although each citizenship legislation has its own nuances. In this article, we will consider the question of how to obtain Croatian citizenship.
How to obtain Croatian citizenship by law?
The main document in the Republic of Croatia governing the acquisition, loss, and return of the country's citizenship is the Citizenship Law. It is in it that the main mechanisms for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the country are spelled out: origin; birth; naturalization.
It is possible to obtain Croatian citizenship by origin, subject to certain conditions. The first important point is that the automatic acceptance of a newborn into Croatian citizenship is carried out if both his parents (both father and mother) are holders of Croatian passports. In the case when only one of them, for example, the father, has the citizenship of the country, and the second is a foreigner, the place of birth of the child is taken into account. If he is born in Croatia, then the citizenship of the country is guaranteed to him. If this happens in another state, then other mechanisms will be included in the case - a potential candidate for a Croatian passport can register citizenship at the Embassy or in the relevant authorities in Croatia.
It will be easier to obtain Croatian citizenship for a child whose one parent is a citizen, the other has no citizenship at all. In this case, the place of birth becomes unimportant, wherever he was born, he will receive Croatian citizenship. Another option for obtaining the rights of a Croatian citizen is through adoption; the state has a special law, according to which, when a child is adopted by citizens of the country, he automatically receives the same rights.
Other ways to obtain Croatian citizenship
In this European state, there are other mechanisms for obtaining a passport of a Croatian citizen. The right of birth, for example, according to it, a person born in the territory of the country can become its citizen, subject to continuous residence for at least five years.
For immigrants, the best option is naturalization, a rather lengthy process that requires certain requirements to be met. But, if a person is going to live and work in Croatia, then the fulfillment of the conditions is quite within his power. The list of requirements for a potential applicant for Croatian citizenship includes the following points: the period of continuous residence in the country; obedience to the law, respect for the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and laws; knowledge of the basics of the state (Croatian) language; respect for Croatian history and culture; material support.
The main points, in principle, coincide with world practice. A foreigner who has entered into legal marriage can also obtain citizenship through naturalization if his partner is a Croatian citizen. In this case, the process of obtaining civil rights will take place according to a simplified scheme.
Naturalization is a chance to become a Croatian citizen not only for adult applicants who independently draw up documents, but also for their children who have not reached the age of 18. By naturalization, they receive citizenship if both parents have passed this path, or one of the parents has obtained citizenship, while the family lives in Croatian territory.
Special cases
Just as the legal practice of some world powers suggests, there are specific cases of obtaining citizenship in Croatian legislation. First, the person is said to be of interest to the Croatian state, so he may be offered naturalization in a special manner. Secondly, not only the person in whom the country is interested receives citizenship, but also his spouse.
Do not think that obtaining Croatian citizenship is a simple process, there are also enough bureaucratic delays here. After all, you first need to go through other procedures, including obtaining a permanent residence permit. The following picture is observed here: as far as the state is interested in tourists, guests of Croatia, it is so suspicious of those who would like to move here for permanent residence, and even get all the rights of citizens.
Since January 1, 2008, the Republic of Croatia has introduced new regulations governing the issue of obtaining citizenship by foreigners. The basis was taken from Swiss laws and regulations, which are considered the most stringent in the world. Therefore, according to experts, today it is much easier to buy real estate in some Croatian resort and enjoy life than to go through the most complicated procedure for obtaining citizenship.