- How to obtain Montenegrin citizenship by law?
- Obtaining Montenegrin citizenship by birth
- Citizenship is the way for foreigners
- Termination of Montenegrin citizenship
- Citizenship by Investment
Rest in Montenegrin resorts not only remains a sweet memory among tourists, it gives rise to a desire to permanently move to this beautiful country, where there is everything - the sea, sun, mountains, friendly and helpful people. Therefore, the question arises of how to immigrate and how to obtain Montenegrin citizenship.
But here the potential applicant will have not so pleasant predictions. In terms of granting citizenship to foreigners, Montenegro is considered quite closed, the legislation on citizenship imposes strict requirements, for example, regarding the period of residence in the territory, as well as integration into the local society.
How to obtain Montenegrin citizenship by law?
Basic information about the mechanisms for obtaining Montenegrin citizenship, its loss or restoration is spelled out in the Law "On Montenegrin Citizenship". Chapter 2 offers the following ways to obtain citizenship: by descent; by birth; admission to Montenegrin citizenship; obtaining citizenship of Montenegro on the basis of international treaties.
Each of the ways to acquire citizenship of the Republic of Montenegro is discussed in detail in the following chapters. For example, a child whose both parents (mom and dad) are citizens automatically becomes a citizen of the country, and the place of birth in this case can be any corner of the planet.
If only one parent is considered a citizen of Montenegro, and the second is a foreigner, then the problem is solved based on the place of birth of the child: in this country, then the child is its citizen, in another state, which means that the issue of the citizenship of the newborn requires separate consideration. He can obtain Montenegrin citizenship with the consent of both parents.
Obtaining Montenegrin citizenship by birth
The principle of obtaining citizenship by place of birth has become widespread in world practice, but in Montenegro it operates with some restrictions. Not all children born in this state will be able to automatically become citizens.
Important features for automatic confirmation of citizenship - the parents of the baby must be Montenegrin citizens or stateless persons. The same procedure awaits a foundling child, provided that it is not possible to establish his parents.
Citizenship is the way for foreigners
Article 9 of the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Montenegro provides a detailed mechanism for the procedure for granting citizenship to foreigners. The two most important conditions are the age of majority and the residency requirement of at least 10 years (permanent residence). This clause of the law coincides with what is proposed by many states of the planet. Minor children of potential applicants (under the age of eighteen years) receive citizenship with their parents, and after the onset of fourteen years of age, they are required to give written consent to obtain Montenegrin citizenship. A similar procedure awaits the adopted child, he receives the citizenship of Montenegro, and if his age is from 14 to 18, then written consent is also required.
Termination of Montenegrin citizenship
The law on citizenship of Montenegro has chapters on the issue of termination of citizenship. At the same time, there are various reasons why a person can refuse a Montenegrin passport: withdrawal from the citizenship of Montenegro; renunciation of Montenegrin citizenship; acquisition of the rights of a citizen of another country; when concluding international treaties.
The first reason is associated with federal laws, when the withdrawal from the citizenship of Yugoslavia is simultaneously accompanied by the withdrawal from the citizenship of Montenegro. It is possible to renounce citizenship if a person permanently resides abroad; citizenship will have to be terminated if the person plans to become a citizen of another state or union republic. Termination of the Montenegrin citizenship of the parents automatically leads to the termination of the citizenship of their minor children.
Citizenship by Investment
The government of Montenegro in 2010 tried to introduce into practice the admission to the citizenship of the state in exchange for investment. The procedure for obtaining a citizen's passport was simplified, the period of permanent stay was reduced, and knowledge of the language and traditions was not required.
The main condition for admission to Montenegrin citizenship was financial injections - business investments in the amount of 500 thousand euros. Moreover, part of this money was transferred free of charge, the rest had to be invested in the local economy. This procedure lasted only a few months and was closed under pressure from EU officials. Recently it was reported that the Montenegrin authorities are again returning to this idea, while a preliminary study of conditions and mechanisms is underway.