The dreams of many Russians about moving to Western Europe for permanent residence most often focus on countries located on the mainland. Therefore, Internet search engines are much less likely to receive requests for how to obtain British citizenship. Although the conditions put forward by this state largely coincide with those offered in the same France or Germany.
There are several ways to become a full member of English society, but for immigrants from other countries the path of naturalization becomes the most acceptable. The material will provide information on what requirements must be met by an applicant for English citizenship, what undercurrents he needs to be prepared for.
How to get British citizenship
The main normative legal act governing the issue of naturalization is the British Citizenship Act, it was adopted in 1981, later it was amended and supplemented several times. A number of requirements are imposed on a potential candidate: coming of age, that is, reaching the age of 18; legal capacity; knowledge of the language; knowledge of British realities; positive characteristics; desire to live and work in the country; permanent residence in the UK for a specified period.
It is clear that each item is disclosed, has its own characteristics and exceptions. So, for example, knowledge of the language is not limited to English, as you might think at the first minute. A person can choose any language that is used by residents of the UK and its regions, it can be other than English, Scottish or Welsh. In reality, most of the candidates for citizenship still enjoy the right to pass English, as the most widespread in the world, which is the language of international communication. There are also exceptions - the rule does not apply to minor children who are included in the parent's application. In addition, people over the age of 65, as well as people with disabilities, will not have to demonstrate knowledge of the language.
To pass the test, they are most often offered to undergo language training, in addition to, in fact, the study of vocabulary, the course includes the history of Great Britain, the basics of political structure, economy, culture. At the end of the course, a test is taken, based on its results, a certificate is issued, which must be attached to the application. In addition to the certificate, a letter from the educational institution is also required, confirming that the candidate for citizenship has indeed completed training under the naturalization program.
Regarding the issue of permanent residence in the UK, there is also a gradation. The minimum age for applicants is set at five years, in case the applicant has a spouse, a British citizen, the period is reduced to three years. But it must be borne in mind that periods of absence in the country are deducted from the total period.
A positive image of a potential applicant can be confirmed by various organizations and institutions. The main conditions are the payment of taxes, national insurance, the absence of debts and convictions. All cases of offenses recorded by the authorities, civil proceedings initiated against the applicant, information about major traffic accidents are entered into the application.
How is the procedure
If a potential candidate for British citizenship meets all the requirements of local legislation, then he can start collecting documents directly for the naturalization procedure. After the formation of a complete set, together with the application, he transfers the documents to the specialists of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. There are some nuances to keep in mind when submitting an application:
- each of the spouses writes a statement in person;
- children who have not reached the age of majority fit into the statement of one of the parents;
- those who have reached the age of 18 - fill out the documents on their own.
Consideration of a package of documents by British specialists takes place quite quickly, in up to 4 weeks they will check the correctness of filling in each submitted document. If necessary, requests are made to the relevant departments of the country, as well as a call to the applicant for additional information, amendments to the documents.
In case of a positive decision on granting citizenship to the applicant, he will be invited to participate in the naturalization ceremony. A new full member of British society must take an oath, swear allegiance to the reigning monarch (currently Queen Elizabeth) and, in general, Great Britain. The ceremony takes place within six months after a positive decision, the date, time and place of the ceremony must be agreed with the person who received the citizenship.