The huge island in the Indian Ocean has always kept a little apart. And not Asia, but not Africa anymore, Madagascar has its own long-standing cultural traditions, not much like continental ones. Due to some seclusion and a special geographical position, the inhabitants of the island were able to preserve their customs, beliefs and rituals in their original form, which allows us to consider the traditions of Madagascar unchanged since the first settlers from the Bantu peoples appeared here.
Special calendar
Signs associated with the days of the week are of particular importance to Malagasy people. The islanders take into account the recommendations of astrologers and will never start a new business on Wednesday, bury the dead on Thursday or drink milk on Sunday. But Friday, in their opinion, is the best day to trade, Tuesday is good for political events, and Thursday is ideal for a wedding ceremony.
Among other traditions of Madagascar - to keep all the family's money with the wife, to be afraid not to be buried in the family crypt, and by all means get permission to just walk past the elder.
Ancestor worship
According to Malagasy people, deceased relatives take an active part in the lives of the living, help them and punish them for non-compliance with the traditions of Madagascar. There are many fadi on the island - prohibitions on performing certain actions.
One of the most controversial rituals among the Malagasy people is called "famadihana". Its essence lies in the fact that the bones of ancestors are taken from the family crypt and put on public display. Touching the remains brings good luck to the living. Joyful dances accompany the ceremony, and the deceased receive a new shroud at the end of the ceremony.
Useful little things
Once on the island, you should observe the most significant and important traditions of Madagascar, so as not to displease the locals. Otherwise, the traditions of hospitality may be violated by them, and the rest will cease to bring pleasure:
- When greeting even well-known Malagasy people, avoid hugs and kisses.
- You should not give a direct answer to the question posed. The short "yes" and "no" are not accepted here.
- Greet everyone you meet with a smile and a nod of your head.
- Don't talk too loudly or get impatient or annoyed.
- Listen carefully to the interlocutor, even if his speech on any occasion seems too long. It is generally accepted that it is not the words spoken that have a special meaning, but that which is not spoken aloud.