How long is the flight from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow?

How long is the flight from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow?
How long is the flight from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow?
photo: How long is the flight from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow?
photo: How long is the flight from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow?

On vacation in Blagoveshchensk, you could visit the Novikov-Daursky Museum of Local Lore, see the Dinosaur Cemetery, the Annunciation Cathedral, a monument to sailors and the Triumphal Arch built in honor of Tsarevich Alexei, break away at discos in the 50/50 and Galaktika nightclubs, hold time at the Zeya reservoir and the paintball club "Che Guevara"? And now you would like to study the information about the return flight to Moscow?

How long is the flight from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow (direct flight)?

5600 km is the distance from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow, which means that your return home will take about 8 hours. So, with the "S7" you will fly in 7 hours 50 minutes, and with "Yakutia" - in 7 hours 55 minutes.

When planning a flight to your homeland, you should take care of the cost of air tickets Blagoveshchensk-Moscow: on average, it will be 11,200 rubles (in May, April and October there is a chance to get tickets at more attractive prices).

Flight Blagoveshchensk-Moscow with transfers


Stops on the way to Moscow can be made in Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Yakutsk, Vladivostok or Khabarovsk. Your trip will last 14 hours (before docking you will have 2 hours), if you fly through Vladivostok (“S7”), 26 hours (up to flight 2, you will have 16 hours in reserve) - via Yakutsk (“Yakutia”), 27 hours (it will take 17 hours to wait for the docking) - via Krasnoyarsk (“Taimyr”), 28 hours (before transferring to 2 planes you will have free time - 17.5 hours) - via Irkutsk (“Ir Aero”), 24 hours (waiting connections - 14 hours) - via Novosibirsk (“S7”).

Which airline to choose?

Aircrafts (Sukhoi Superjet SU 100-95, Boeing 767-200, AN 148-100) operated by the following airlines will take you from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow: “Yakutia”; Angara Airlines; "Ir Aero"; Ural Airlines; "S7".

Ignatievo Airport (BQS) will check you in for the Blagoveshchensk-Moscow flight. The airport is located 15 km from the city of Blagoveshchensk, and you can get here by bus # 8 and express bus # 10E. While waiting for the flight, you can buy souvenirs, newspapers, magazines, various goods in local stores, get rid of hunger by ordering delicious meals in a cafe located on the 2nd floor of the terminal, sit in the waiting room or business lounge (economy class passengers will have to pay 2000 rubles per person for staying in this room), make the necessary operations at ATMs, and, if necessary, contact the first-aid post or purchase medicines at the pharmacy.

What to do on board the plane?

During the flight, it is worth taking a nap, after which you should consider which of the people close to you should be given souvenirs bought in Blagoveshchensk in the form of “Bird's milk” candies, Far Eastern and Amur fish, caviar, cedar cones, wicker products (Aleutian “silk” weaving), healing balm "Amursky", honey (flower, serpukhovy).
