Culture of Algeria

Culture of Algeria
Culture of Algeria

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photo: Culture of Algeria
photo: Culture of Algeria

The formation of the culture of Algeria, one of the largest states in North Africa, was influenced by the traditions of the French colonists and Turkish conquerors. Mixing foreign cultural foundations with the traditional customs of the indigenous population - the Berbers - made it possible to emerge a national culture - a bright and distinctive part of the life of Algerians.

Islam and its influence

The overwhelming majority of Algerians are Muslims. Its influence on the culture of Algeria is more than enormous: architectural objects are made in strict accordance with the requirements of religion. Other aspects of the activities of the inhabitants of the country are also coordinated taking into account Muslim traditions.

People appeared on the territory of modern Algeria more than one millennium ago, which is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds. The most ancient cities and settlements are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List:

  • The oldest of all the architectural monuments of culture in Algeria is the city of Tipaza on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. From the 6th century BC the city served as a Phoenician outpost, then became a colony of Rome. Tourists are shown the ruins of the Basilica of St. Salsa and antique mosaics.
  • The ancient city of Timgad was founded in the 1st century by Emperor Trajan. Today its ruins are considered one of the best preserved among the ancient Roman cities. Trajan's Arc de Triomphe, the Baths and the huge amphitheater are especially impressive.
  • In the 1st century, the construction of another Roman city began - Dzhemila. The city's well-being was based on a favorable climate for agriculture. The temples, basilicas and the forum that have survived to this day date back to the II-III centuries, and the most memorable structure is the Arc de Triomphe in honor of Caracalla.
  • Lying in ruins, but not losing its great importance for the development of the culture of Algeria in the XI-XII centuries, the fortress of Kala-Beni-Hamad. Its main attractions are the palace complex with a swimming pool and preserved rich interior decor. The walls were painted and decorated with carved marble and majolica.

In the culture of Algeria, various customs of the local population are of great importance, without the knowledge of which you should not go on a trip. Traditional restrictions imposed by the Islamic religion also exist in this country. You shouldn't take pictures of local residents without their consent. Do not make comments about their untidiness - the stranger showered with sand must have used it according to custom instead of water when bathing.
