In February, you can enjoy a comfortable beach holiday in Mauritius. Daytime temperature is about + 35C, nighttime temperature + 22C. The water warms up to + 27C. In the mornings and at lunchtime, there may be short showers, thanks to which the heat recedes and the rest becomes pleasant.
Beach rest and water activities
February is the ideal month for tourists to enjoy their stay on gorgeous beaches, catamarans and water skiing, surfing and sailing, and diving. All this is possible due to the fact that warm and sunny weather sets in Mauritius, and the water pleases with a high temperature, which is comfortable for swimming.
Holidays and festivals in Mauritius in February
Perhaps you dream of spending your vacation in Mauritius in February and want to enjoy the holidays, festivals? What offers can be of interest to tourists:
- Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year, which is celebrated noisy and fun, colorful and special. Residents of Mauritius conduct fancy-dress processions with amazing dragons along numerous streets, fireworks are set off. All houses and restaurants offer hearty refreshments.
- In January-February, the inhabitants of Mauritius celebrate the Tamil holiday of Kazadi, which allows cleansing for all people who have committed unrighteous deeds. On holidays, ritual ablution ceremonies, religious processions, and unusual rituals of walking on burning coals are held. It is important to note that Qazadi also includes theatrical performances on special themes that emphasize the importance of religion. Usually Kazadi is a day off.
- On February 1, residents of Mauritius celebrate one of the most important holidays, namely the Day of the Abolition of Slavery. In Mauritius, slavery was abolished in 1835. It is believed that the island was first discovered by the Arabs, and from the Europeans - by the Portuguese. However, the Europeans were not interested in the island, so they did not create their own colony. Colonization began only in 1638. The island was a colony of Holland, France, Great Britain. In 1814, about 70,000 people lived in Mauritius and more than 50,000 were slaves brought from Africa. In 1835, the number of local residents was 96,000, and slaves - 77,000. On February 1, 1835, slavery in Mauritius was abolished, and the planters received compensation in the amount of two million pounds. The anniversary of this event has become a holiday.
Holidays in Mauritius in February will be interesting and eventful!