What things and medicines to take with you to Tunisia

What things and medicines to take with you to Tunisia
What things and medicines to take with you to Tunisia
photo: What things and medicines to take with you to Tunisia
photo: What things and medicines to take with you to Tunisia

Tunisia is located in the northern part of Africa. This is a former colony of France, which attracts tourists with its beautiful beaches. What to take to Tunisia, besides positive emotions? We will talk about this in our article.

Money matters

Change your money before you leave. So that in Tunisia you do not have any problems with exchanging money for local currency, prepare it in advance. In the country, tourists are often attacked by scammers who commit money fraud. It is impossible to defend against them, since the guests of Tunisia are not guided by local banknotes. If you have an amount of more than 10,000 euros in your hands, you will need a certificate from the bank allowing the export of currency.

Important documents

Russian citizens can enter Tunisia without a visa. The tourist must present only a valid passport and a tourist voucher (confirmation of the hotel reservation). You must have a driver's license with you, in case you want to rent a car. A car can be rented by a person over 21 years old.

The most necessary things

An important item for a tourist is a camera. It needs batteries or a charger and an adapter. You can also store a flash drive and a spare memory card in your travel bag. Please note that some of Tunisia's landmarks are not allowed to be photographed. Otherwise, you face an administrative fine. Buy yourself a Russian-Arabic phrasebook before you leave. He will help you while walking around the city. If you love buying souvenirs, spices and ethnic goods, then you cannot do without talking to the locals. A must in Tunisia is a sunscreen spray or cream. It will save you from sunburn, as it is very easy to get sunburned in this country. For protection from the bright Tunisian sun, a cream with a high SPF level is suitable. If you are planning to spend several hours on the beach, then such a tool must be used. In a cosmetic bag, you should put an after-sun cream, shower gel, shampoo and hair balm.

What clothes to take to Tunisia

This hot country is Muslim. If you do not want to generate an increased interest among the locals, wear light, but closed clothing. T-shirts, short shorts and tops must be left on site. On excursions and walks along the city streets, you should wear a long-sleeved tunic, a floor-length sundress and low-heeled shoes. A light cape will help cover exposed parts of the body.
