What to try in Germany?

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What to try in Germany?
What to try in Germany?

Video: What to try in Germany?

Video: What to try in Germany?
Video: 10 MUST EAT Dishes in Germany! | ULTIMATE German Food Tour 2024, June
photo: What to try in Germany?
photo: What to try in Germany?

Germany is a land of comfortable cities, toy villages and medieval castles. For impressions (and not only), tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world come here all year round to see the sights, enjoy sea holidays and mountain activities, eat delicious food and taste beer, one of the best in the world. Moreover, the Germans themselves also willingly travel around their country.

Germany often attracts travelers with its glorious traditions and endless fun, holidays, festivals and carnivals.

Food in Germany

It is no coincidence that Germany is said to be a country of brewers and sausages. The history of German cuisine goes back millennia, right up to Hellas and Rome, and is very diverse due to the fact that each region has its own preferences, menus and cooking technologies.

The southwest of the country is influenced by French traditions. White wine reigns here, which is added to almost every dish. Sausages with stewed cabbage and sweet mustard are the hallmark of Bavaria. Potato pancakes and marinated beef are the favorite food of the people of the Rhineland. In Hamburg, they love to cook their own seafood. The pride of the inhabitants of Cologne is macaroons.

However, all these cuisines have similar recipes and similarities. Pork is cooked inimitable throughout the country, and there are more than a thousand varieties of sausages and sausages, including bratwurst - sausages and pork sausages for frying. Bread for a German, as well as for a Russian - "everything is head", more than 500 varieties of bread products are baked in Germany. Vegetables for a side dish, sauerkraut are constantly present on the table among the Germans, they also love and cook delicious fish.

Top 10 German dishes

Sausages and sausages

German sausages
German sausages

German sausages

It is simply impossible to say that you need to try a particular type of sausage as the best. Among the 1500 types of these meat products, every gourmet will find boiled or smoked sausage to his taste. In addition, liver sausages and bloodworms are very popular. The Germans consume sausages both on weekdays and as a festive delicacy. But always with bread. Not a single tourist leaves this country without having tasted sausages and sausages - this is how the Germans call sausages, of which there are also many types in this country and which guests of Germany will also like.



A familiar dish, but are we that familiar with it? In Germany, schnitzel is different. Hamburg - cutlet with scrambled eggs. Viennese - pork cutlet. Holsten style - meat with scrambled eggs, anchovies and capers. However, there is something in common among schnitzels - they are necessarily rolled in breadcrumbs before frying, and the ready-made ones are poured with lemon juice.

Potato salad

It is believed that those who have not tasted potato salad in Germany have not been to this country … Potato salad is the name of a must-have garnish for sausages with schnitzel or sausages. The salad does not have a specific recipe, but the main product is, of course, potatoes, and not boiled, waxy ones. It is sliced, mixed with onions, pickled cucumbers, fried bacon. Season with yogurt or sour cream. As a cold snack, potato salad is placed on the Christmas table.

Roast marinated beef

The Germans, like no other people, prefer meat. Roast is one of the favorite dishes of the people of Germany. It is also prepared from horse meat and veal. First, the meat is marinated for a very long time, 10 days, with the addition of wine to the marinade. Only then the roast is cooked. It is served with sauerkraut or stewed cabbage, dumplings, and always beer.




Icebine - baked pork knuckle. This is a festive dish. The name translates as "leg of ice". Because usually the knuckle is cooked for Christmas, and besides, when finished, its crust shines like ice. The shank is rubbed with garlic and stewed to bring until soft, then baked in the oven. Served with beer.


Translated as "one pot". This is a thick broth soup. It is so full of products and satisfying that it can easily replace two dishes at once, the first and the second. Eintopf is brewed in different ways. Usually vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cabbage), beans or beans, pasta, as well as meat products: sausages or boiled meat are added to the broth.



These are egg pasta with a porous, rough surface, oblong or round. Basically, Spetzle is used as a side dish, but it can also be an independent dish, better with cheese.


World famous and beloved in Germany, rolled dough roll with filling. They like to stuff it with an apple, but they also take other berries (for example, cherries), as well as cottage cheese or poppy seeds. Strudel is served hot with chocolate syrup, ice cream or whipped cream.

Black Forest cake "Black Forest"

Black Forest cake "Black Forest"
Black Forest cake "Black Forest"

Black Forest cake "Black Forest"

This is a traditional dessert - chocolate cherry cake. Chocolate sponge cake is soaked in cherry syrup, lined with cream or cherry jelly filling. They can put the berry between the cakes, smeared with cream. They are also decorated with cherries and grated chocolate.


Germany claims to be the homeland of marzipan. This sweet mixture with a delicate taste is made from powdered almonds and sugar syrup or powder. Marzipan is used as an independent product or added to confectionery, cookies and gingerbread.

Not only about food …

Tours to Germany will not leave indifferent any guest of the country. The guides will offer an impressive journey through the castles and palaces of the Middle Ages. There are many museums in Germany: historical and modern and specific. Tourists are also attracted by German mountain villages, which look like illustrations to the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. Graceful houses, measured pace of residents will appeal to those who miss the fresh air and the beauty of nature.

There are also beach tours to Germany. There are many beaches here. They are located along the coast of the Baltic and North Seas, on rivers and lakes with clear water and well-maintained infrastructure, and water sports.

Popular with tourists and ski tours to the alpine slopes with inexpensive equipment rental and caring instructors.

