Flea markets in Yaroslavl

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Flea markets in Yaroslavl
Flea markets in Yaroslavl

Video: Flea markets in Yaroslavl

Video: Flea markets in Yaroslavl
photo: Flea markets of Yaroslavl
photo: Flea markets of Yaroslavl

Yaroslavl is famous for its abundance of museums and attractions, a large selection of hotels of different price categories, opportunities for shopping and outdoor activities. As for local flea markets, the flea markets of Yaroslavl provide everyone with a chance to acquire things not only to replenish their collections, but also for further exchange.

Flea market within the Textil project

At this flea market (open regularly throughout the year as part of the city weekend), visitors can find Soviet records, vintage clothing and jewelry, coins, badges, old magazines and books, figurines, dishes, “ancient” cameras and matching cases, turntables, badges ("Drummer of Communist Labor"), knitted items, soft toys and more. Bibliophiles, collectors, lovers of old things with history often drop in here. Those who want to become a seller will have to make a contribution of 200 rubles, prepare price tags and oilcloths, on which the goods brought with them can be laid out. In addition, on such days, the townspeople and guests of Yaroslavl will enjoy games, entertainment, family cafes (author's dishes are available to visitors), an exhibition of photographs, a lecture hall about the city, a wooden workshop for children and adults …

Flea plot on the Dzerzhinsky market

Visitors wandering around the ruins of the local "flea" will have the opportunity to buy hand-made products, Soviet paraphernalia, dishes, books, spare parts, old doorknobs and other goods, including those that fit under the category of "attic trash" …



If we talk about antique shops in Yaroslavl, then tourists should look into the following of them:

  • Imperial (53 Sverdlova Street): This store specializes in selling coins, antiques (medals issued before 1917, ceramics and other antiques) and collectibles (binoculars, champagne caps, casino chips).
  • "Second-hand bookseller" (Sobinova street, 32a): here you can become the owner of all kinds of old books.

Shopping in Yaroslavl

It is recommended to take away from Yaroslavl Poshekhonsky cheese (you can buy it in Yaroslavl supermarkets), Yarpivo (it is better to buy it in a store at the Yaroslavl brewery), the healing balm Old Yaroslavl (infused with 23 herbs), watches produced at the Chaika plant (you can buy, both in the shop at the factory, and in any watch workshop of the city), colored ceramics - majolica, Yaroslavl bears (the symbol of the city), felt boots and bells. For souvenirs, you can go to the shop "Yaroslavl Souvenirs" on Deputatskaya street, 3.

It is worth noting that the gathering of collectors in Yaroslavl takes place every Saturday in the Officers' House, located at the corner of Pervomaisky Boulevard and Sovetskaya Street.
